Orçamento 2016 e
Criação de Taxa do Lixo
serão debatidos
pelos Vereadores
Considerado maior oposição ao modelo de gestão do prefeito Francis Maris Cruz (sem partido) no Legislativo Cacerense o vereador Edmilson Campos (Café no Bule) – Relator da Comissão de Constituição, Justiça, Trabalho e Redação têm declarado publicamente que só irá apresentar relatório da Lei Orçamentária de 2016 após realização de Audiência Pública para ouvir os Servidores Municipais e o Movimento Comunitário.
“Pretendo apresentar emenda para garantir a implantação da tão falada e propalada Reforma Administrativa e o pagamento da Insalubridade dos trabalhadores da prefeitura no ano que vem. É fundamental a realização da audiência para que os servidores possam sensibilizar os demais vereadores” declara Café no Bule.
Outro projeto que promete dar muito pano prá manga é o Projeto de Lei Complementar nº 04 de 04 de dezembro de 2015 que tramita em regime de Urgência Urgentíssima, pois precisa ser votado este ano para vigorar a partir de 1º de janeiro de 2016.
O projeto define a base de cálculo da taxa de cobrança do serviço de coleta, transporte, tratamento, destinação e disposição final dos resíduos sólidos, urbano e especial no município de Cáceres.
O vereador Edmilson Campos (Café no Bule) é contra o projeto, pois segundo ele, a criação da autarquia da água ocorrida no último mês de abril só tinha esse objetivo, ou seja, cobrar a chamada taxa do lixo junto com a conta d’água.
“Para criar a autarquia da água à prefeitura dizia que iria conseguir R$ 18 milhões de reais para investimento em saneamento básico o que simplesmente não aconteceu. A melhoria do serviço de abastecimento d’água também não se verificou e agora essa administração quer dar de presente de natal para a população a taxa do lixo. Não posso aceitar.” Argumenta Café no Bule.
De acordo com a proposta do Executivo o consumo da água servirá como parâmetro de cobrança da taxa do lixo, mantendo-se a cobrança por metro quadrado apenas para os imóveis que não tem consumo ou não sejam servidos por hidrômetros.
“Pelo que eu entendi ao analisar o projeto a maioria das residências terão que pagar mensalmente junto com a conta d’água de 10 a 15 reais referentes à taxa do lixo. A população não vai aceitar, pois não houve melhoria alguma no serviço oferecido pela autarquia da água (SAEC) desde a sua criação” argumenta o parlamentar.
Por último a Câmara também deverá decidir sobre o Projeto de Lei nº 30 de 10 de julho de 2015 que atualiza monetariamente e fixa valores da lei 8.666/93 a chamada Lei das Licitações.
Desde o dia 8 de setembro está pronto o parecer da CCJ de autoria do relator vereador Edmilson Campos (Café no Bule) com apoio do presidente da CCJ vereador Félix Alvares (SD) apontando inconstitucionalidade e ilegalidade da matéria.
“É um absurdo tentar alterar uma lei federal através de uma lei municipal, além do fato dessa proposta ir contra o desejo da população que quer mais rigor no uso do dinheiro público para a contratação de serviços e de obras. Essa proposta busca justamente tornar mais flexível a lei das licitações” explica Café no Bule.
Tanto o presidente da CCJ vereador Félix Alvares (SD) quanto o relator vereador Edmilson Campos (Café no Bule) defendem a tese que todos esses projetos considerados polêmicos sejam votados até o final do ano, mesmo que isso comprometa o recesso. Regimentalmente a prerrogativa de colocar as matérias na pauta de votação é do presidente da Câmara vereador Marcinho Lacerda (PMDB).
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Sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about building an interesting website for pupils. May probably commence with publishing interesting information such as”Dragonflies are capable of flying sixty miles per hour, making them one of the fastest insects. This is good since they are in a big hurry, as they only live about twenty-four hours.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here
12 de dezembro de 2017 at 23:36
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18 de dezembro de 2017 at 17:17
I am sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an instructive site for college kids. May probably start with posting interesting information like”Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as right here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 02:39
I am sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about creating an enlightening web-site as a student. Will probably commence with publishing interesting facts just like”The glue on Israeli postage is certified kosher.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as right here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 03:49
I’m sorry for off-topic, I am considering about making an interesting site for college kids. May possibly start with submitting interesting facts just like”A spider’s web is not a home, but rather a trap for its food. They are as individual as snowflakes, with no two ever being the same. Some tropical spiders have built webs over eighteen feet across.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 04:57
Sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about building an interesting website for pupils. May possibly commence with submitting interesting information just like”Fish that live more than 800 meters below the ocean surface don’t have eyes.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 06:04
I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an instructive website for students. Will possibly begin with publishing interesting information just like”The male seahorse carries the eggs until they hatch instead of the female.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 07:10
I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an informative web site for college kids. May possibly begin with publishing interesting facts like”Male bats have the highest rate of homosexuality of any mammal.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 08:17
I’m sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about making an instructive website as a student. May probably start with publishing interesting information just like”Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 09:21
Sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about building an informative internet site for college students. May possibly begin with publishing interesting information just like”An average human loses about 200 head hairs per day.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as right here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 10:22
Sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about building an enlightening web site as a student. May possibly commence with posting interesting information such as”Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave. Go on, try it then”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 11:29
I apologize for off-topic, I am thinking about creating an interesting site as a student. May possibly begin with submitting interesting facts such as”Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) was born on and died on days when Halley’s Comet can be seen.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 12:48
I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about building an enlightening site for young students. May possibly begin with posting interesting information such as”The Beetham Tower cost over ВЈ150 million to build.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 14:03
Sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about making an enlightening web site for kids. Will probably begin with posting interesting information such as”In France, a five year old child can buy an alcoholic drink in a bar”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as right here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 15:22
I am sorry for off-topic, I am considering about creating an instructive web site for college students. Will probably commence with submitting interesting facts like”The world’s youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like right here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 16:38
I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about building an instructive site for college students. May probably commence with posting interesting facts just like”Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave. Go on, try it then”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 18:04
I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an interesting site for college kids. Will probably commence with publishing interesting information such as”The most poisonous spider is the black widow. Its venom is more potent than a rattlesnake’s.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 19:26
I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an informative web-site for college kids. Will possibly begin with posting interesting information like”98% of all murders and rapes are by a close family member or friend of the victim.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like right here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 20:51
I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an instructive internet site for students. Will probably start with publishing interesting facts such as”Some people say that when the black bands on the Woolybear caterpillar are wide, a cold winter is coming.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 22:17
I’m sorry for off-topic, I am considering about making an enlightening site for kids. Will possibly start with submitting interesting information like”Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression can weaken your immune system.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here
19 de dezembro de 2017 at 23:31
I am sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an enlightening web-site for pupils. Will probably start with submitting interesting facts such as”Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to s-l-o-w film down so you could see his moves.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as here
20 de dezembro de 2017 at 00:51
Sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about building an interesting web-site for young students. Will probably commence with posting interesting facts like”For every ‘normal’ webpage, there are five porn pages.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like here
20 de dezembro de 2017 at 02:09
I apologize for off-topic, I am considering about building an instructive website for pupils. Will probably start with submitting interesting facts like”Butterflies can see red, green, and yellow.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here
20 de dezembro de 2017 at 03:37
Sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an instructive web site for young students. May possibly start with submitting interesting facts like”Dragonflies are capable of flying sixty miles per hour, making them one of the fastest insects. This is good since they are in a big hurry, as they only live about twenty-four hours.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here
20 de dezembro de 2017 at 05:00
I am sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about building an instructive website for college kids. May probably start with publishing interesting information just like”It is impossible to lick your elbow.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as here
20 de dezembro de 2017 at 06:18
Sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about making an instructive site for pupils. May probably commence with posting interesting information like”Your brain consumes 25 watts of power while you’re awake. This amount of energy is enough to illuminate a lightbulb.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like here
20 de dezembro de 2017 at 07:35
I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an instructive internet site for young students. May probably begin with submitting interesting information such as”An average human loses about 200 head hairs per day.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like right here
20 de dezembro de 2017 at 08:53
I apologize for off-topic, I am considering about building an informative website for pupils. May possibly begin with publishing interesting information just like”No piece of square dry paper can be folded in half more than 7 times”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like right here
20 de dezembro de 2017 at 10:10
I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about building an interesting web site for pupils. Will possibly commence with publishing interesting information like”Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like here
20 de dezembro de 2017 at 11:58
I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an informative internet site for kids. May possibly start with submitting interesting information such as”One in eight million people has progeria, a disease that causes people to grow faster than they age.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 02:44
I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about building an enlightening web-site for kids. May probably commence with posting interesting information like”No piece of square dry paper can be folded in half more than 7 times”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts such as right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 04:54
I’m sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about making an interesting web-site for college students. May probably commence with submitting interesting facts like”Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 05:18
Sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about creating an interesting web site for individuals. May probably begin with submitting interesting information just like”By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 05:40
Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about creating an interesting site for college students. Will probably start with posting interesting information like”Americans are responsible for about 1/5 of the world’s garbage annually.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 05:59
Sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about making an enlightening website as a student. May possibly start with posting interesting information just like”A B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building on July 28, 1945.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 06:18
I apologize for off-topic, I am thinking about making an informative web site as a student. Will possibly begin with posting interesting information like”Every time you lick a stamp, you’re consuming 1/10 of a calorie.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 06:36
Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about creating an enlightening web site as a student. May possibly commence with publishing interesting facts just like”Every time you lick a stamp, you’re consuming 1/10 of a calorie.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 06:55
Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an interesting site for kids. Will possibly start with posting interesting facts like”In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world’s nuclear weapons combined.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 07:12
I am sorry for off-topic, I am considering about creating an interesting internet site for individuals. Will probably start with posting interesting facts like”Babies are born without knee caps. They don’t appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 07:28
I apologize for off-topic, I am considering about building an instructive site for pupils. Will probably start with posting interesting facts like”The male seahorse carries the eggs until they hatch instead of the female.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 07:44
Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about making an informative internet site as a student. May possibly commence with posting interesting facts like”The top butterfly flight speed is 12 miles per hour. Some moths can fly 25 miles per hour!”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 07:59
I apologize for off-topic, I am thinking about creating an interesting site for college kids. Will possibly start with submitting interesting information like”The electric chair was invented by a dentist.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 08:15
I am sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about making an instructive internet site for college kids. Will possibly begin with posting interesting facts such as”Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 08:31
I apologize for off-topic, I’m thinking about building an informative web site for college kids. May probably commence with posting interesting facts like”A spider’s web is not a home, but rather a trap for its food. They are as individual as snowflakes, with no two ever being the same. Some tropical spiders have built webs over eighteen feet across.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 08:46
Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about building an enlightening web site for pupils. Will probably start with posting interesting facts just like”The Beetham Tower cost over ВЈ150 million to build.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 09:02
I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about creating an interesting internet site for college kids. May possibly begin with publishing interesting facts just like”In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 09:18
I am sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about making an enlightening site for college kids. May probably start with submitting interesting facts just like”In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 09:33
I’m sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about building an informative website as a student. May probably begin with submitting interesting information just like”Possums have one of the shortest pregnancies at 16 days. The shortest human pregnancy to produce a healthy baby was 22 weeks, 6 days — the baby was the length of a ballpoint pen.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 09:49
Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about making an enlightening web site for college kids. Will probably commence with publishing interesting facts like”During the chariot scene in “Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts such as right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 10:04
I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about building an informative website for individuals. May probably begin with publishing interesting facts such as”Representations of butterflies are seen in Egyptian frescoes at Thebes, which are 3,500 years old.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information and facts like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 10:18
I apologize for off-topic, I’m considering about building an interesting web-site for pupils. Will probably start with submitting interesting information just like”The 57 on the Heinz ketchup bottle represents the number of pickle types the company once had.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 10:32
Sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about building an instructive web-site for individuals. May probably begin with publishing interesting facts like”Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks so that it doesn’t digest itself.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 10:46
I apologize for off-topic, I am thinking about creating an informative web site for individuals. Will probably start with posting interesting information such as”Termites outweigh humans by almost ten to one.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information such as here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 11:01
Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about making an informative site for students. Will possibly begin with submitting interesting facts just like”Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts such as right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 11:16
Sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about building an interesting internet site for college kids. May probably start with publishing interesting facts just like”Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave. Go on, try it then”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related information like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 11:31
Sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about building an enlightening web site for individuals. Will possibly commence with submitting interesting information such as”The top butterfly flight speed is 12 miles per hour. Some moths can fly 25 miles per hour!”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 11:44
I’m sorry for off-topic, I’m thinking about creating an instructive web-site for students. Will probably begin with publishing interesting information like”Possums have one of the shortest pregnancies at 16 days. The shortest human pregnancy to produce a healthy baby was 22 weeks, 6 days — the baby was the length of a ballpoint pen.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 11:59
Sorry for off-topic, I’m considering about making an informative web site for young students. May possibly begin with publishing interesting information like”Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression can weaken your immune system.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info such as right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 12:13
I’m sorry for off-topic, I am thinking about creating an instructive website for pupils. Will probably begin with submitting interesting information just like”Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related facts like right here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 12:28
Sorry for off-topic, I am considering about creating an informative web site for college kids. May possibly commence with posting interesting facts just like”Ramses brand condom is named after the great pharaoh Ramses II who fathered over 160 children.”Please let me know if you know where I can find some related info like here
24 de dezembro de 2017 at 12:41
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